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Contactez nous
58 rue Jean Bleuzen - 92170 - Vanves, France
01 43 92 30 00

By contacting us, you consent to send your personal data to Bragelonne (DPO - 58 rue Jean Bleuzen – 92170 – Vanves, France), recipient and controller of their processing, in order to respond to your request. Your personal data are hosted within the European Union and will be deleted no later than one (1) year from sending a response to your request. You can request access, rectification, erasure and portability of your personal data as well as the restriction of their processing by sending an e-mail to the e-mail adress, define post-mortem directives concerning them or contact a supervisory authority. You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time; your request cannot then be processed.

To find out more, see our Privacy Policy.